Itsuen herrian begibakarra alkate

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Revision as of 19:57, 29 May 2022 by Fernando (talk | contribs)

Language Basque
Topics Body Parts
Explanation and use (in mother tongue) Ahalmen edo bertuterik ez dagoen lekuan, apur bat daukanari behar baino balio handiagoa ematen zaio.
Itsuen herrian begibakarra alkate, Nestor.jpg

In English

Literal Translation: In a country of blind men, the one-eyed man is the mayor.
Real meaning: In a place where everyone is mediocre, someone who is slightly less mediocre is considered "very good".
Related idioms: The blind leading the blind.

In other languages

Language Literal translation To express the same Related Idioms
Catalan ... ... ...
Galician Nun país de cegos, o chosco é o alcalde Entre os mediocres, alguén menos mediocre é sobrevalorado ...
Romanian ... ... ...
Spanish En un país de ciegos, el tuerto es el alcalde Cuando todo el mundo es mediocre, alguien que lo es algo menos tiende a ser sobrevalorado. En el país de los ciegos, el tuerto es rey.
Turkish Kör adamların olduğu bir ülkede, tek gözlü adam belediye başkanıdır. Kötünün iyisinin seçilmesini anlatır. Koyunun Bulunmadığı Yerde Keçiye Abdurrahman Çelebi Derler (Proverb)